Member Directory

Non-Profit Organization

Not for Profit, Full-Service Financial Institution for the Local Community Credit Services

Jacob's Heart Children's Cancer Support Services provides family-centered care that addresses the emotional, practical and financial struggles for families of children and teens during treatment, families experiencing anticipatory grief and those who are bereaved.

Our service area includes Santa Cruz, Monterey, San Benito, and South Santa Clara Counties in California.

The Latino Family fund is a respected, inclusive,
and active participant in Gilroy's philanthropic sector.
A recognized leader in Youth philanthropy and
grantmaking. Latino family fund is providing
generational empowerment to significantly impact
the Latino community.

One Giving Tree provides Christmas trees to local kids and their families. In this way, we are making the holidays brighter. You are a big part of it. Your support and advocacy of One Giving Tree and our mission are essential to our growth and positive impact in our communities.
Thank you!

SER Jobs for Progress National, Inc., (SER) is a national, private, nonprofit organization making a positive impact on families
across America. Since its inception in 1964, SER has addressed the needs of economically challenged individuals in education,
job skills, training, literacy, and employment. SER’s ultimate goal is to assist individuals across the country secure permanent,
unsubsidized, and productive employment. Headquartered in Irving, Texas, SER presently oversees a network of 31 c
  • Emma Trevino, Vice President of Program Operations;


The Gilroy Veterans Hall is home to local veterans organizations such as the VFW John A. Berri Post 6309 and the American Legion Post 217, but is also an event venue open to the community.

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